How to Make Itching Powder

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Things You'll Need

  • Rose hips

  • Plate

  • Paper towels

  • Food processor

  • Maple seedpods

  • Knife

Homemade itching powder produces mild to medium skin irritation.
Image Credit: kaspiic/iStock/Getty Images

A once-common trick in the prankster's repertoire, itching powder is an irritant that leads to contact dermatitis on the skin. Itching powder isn't as readily available as it once was -- but that doesn't mean you can't make your own. You can make itching powder using either rose hips, which are the seedpods of roses, or maple tree seedpods, which are also known as whirlybirds.


Rose Hip Itching Powder

Step 1

Pick rose hip berries from a rose bush. Rose hips appear after the rose bloom is spent.

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Step 2

Lay the berries in a single layer on a plate covered with a paper towel. Set the berries in a warm location where they can dry for one to two weeks.

Step 3

Place the dried rose hips in a food processor and pulse them into a coarse texture.

Step 4

Strain the pulsed rose hips through a fine sieve to separate the hairs from the other parts.

Step 5

Transfer the rose hip hairs to an airtight container. Keep the container in a dry location until ready to use.


Maple Seedpod Itching Powder

Step 1

Gather an abundance of maple seedpods. These seedpods are found on the ground under and around maple trees. You can also pick them directly off the tree.

Step 2

Lay them in a single layer on a paper towel and let dry out for about one week. You can skip this step if the seedpods are already dry.


Step 3

Cut the hard seed part off the maple seedpod so you are left with the "feathers" or "wings."

Step 4

Place the "feathers" or "wings" into a food processor and pulse until you are left with a powder-like substance.

Step 5

Transfer the powder to an airtight container. Store in a dry location until ready to use.


Wear gloves to when preparing the homemade itching powder to avoid skin irritation.

Washing the skin with soap and water generally relieves the itching effect caused by the homemade powder.


Only use the itching powder as a joke or prank, and never use it maliciously.


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