How to Age Fabric

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Things You'll Need

  • Instant coffee

  • Instant tea

  • Brown acrylic paint

  • Cinnamon

  • Nutmeg

  • Ginger

  • Vanilla

  • Water

  • Large bowl

  • Spray bottle

  • Tea kettle

  • Paint brush

  • Wooden spoon

  • Rubber gloves

Aging fabric can give a so-so project character. You wouldn't dream of kicking and dragging your fabric around in the dirt, but a lot of aging processes have been developed to give fabric that old antiqued look. Cleanly. These aging techniques can be mixed and matched and adjusted to give you the aged look you most desire.


Soaking Fabric

Step 1

Boil water. For coffee stain, mix one tablespoon of instant coffee to one cup of boiling water. For tea stain, mix one tablespoon of instant tea to two cups of boiling water. For paint stain, mix one tablespoon of brown acrylic paint to two cups of hot water. Experiment with the ratio to achieve your desired shade.

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Step 2

Submerge fabric in water and wring out. This will allow the aging stains to penetrate the fabric more easily.

Step 3

Submerge the fabric in the desire mixture. Stir with the wooden spoon to assure all of the fabric is receiving the stain. Allow the water to cool.


Step 4

Take the fabric out of the aging stain. Wring it out and hang it to dry.

Step 5

If you prefer extra spots and stain marks after the fabric has dried, put the mixture in a spray bottle and spritz the fabric.


Grubby Primitive Aged Stain

Step 1

Craft your project.

Step 2

Mix the desired aging stain or make a blend of two or more.


Step 3

Mix a teaspoon each of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and vanilla into the aging stain. The addition of these spices will give a dirty grubby look and create a wonderful aroma.

Step 4

Using a paint brush, paint the project with the aging stain and allow to dry.

Step 5

Once dry, rub the project to work the spices into the fibers.


When staining fabric, wear rubber gloves to avoid staining your hands. Vanilla will also give you a unique stain. Fabric can be ironed dry, giving a unique look, but use a designated iron for the job. The iron may stick to the fabric, if this happens pull it away quickly. If spots develop while using the iron, embrace them as part of the aged fabric look.


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