How to Build a Natural Perpetual Fountain

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Things You'll Need

  • 2 airtight containers (5-gal)

  • 1 basin (1/2 5-gal)

  • 8-foot PVC pipe (thinnest diameters work best)

  • Electric drill

  • Liquid silicon gasket

The idea of perpetual motion has been the focus of many physics professors who have dreamed of creating machines which power themselves. Perpetual motion in the 21st century is a soon to be introduced fact as new uses of cold fission is discovered. For now, you can produce something less advanced, but equally impressive, if you choose to include a perpetual fountain in an existing water feature of a home or environmental exhibit. Based on a fountain that in the 19th century was used to mystify and perplex the public, this perpetual motion fountain can be used to present a new element to any home or garden.


Step 1

Drill two holes in the top of airtight container #1 (this will be the top container or "Air" container). Drill 2 holes in the bottom of container #1. Because the PVC pipes will act as supports to the top container and basin, be sure to place holes so the pipes are in a spread so to create a structure that will maintain the weight of the top container and basin.

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Step 2

Drill 2 holes in the top of container #2 (This is the "Water" container) so that the holes in the bottom of the "Air" container match up with the holes in the top of the "Water" container. Drill two holes in the bottom of the basin so that it lines up with the holes cut into the top of the "Air" container.


Step 3

Connect the pieces together using the thin diameter PVC pipe. Attach a length of thin PVC pipe that runs from the outlet of the basin, to just above the bottom of the "Water" container (which should be at least 2 1/2-feet away from the bottom of the basin).

Step 4

Connect a piece of PVC pipe so it extends from inside the top of the "Water" container, and reaches until just inside the top of the "Air" container. Now connect a piece of PVC pipe that runs from the fountain outlet (just above the top rim of the basin) to just above the bottom of the "Air" container.


Step 5

Check all connections to be sure that the entire piping and containers are airtight. The Basil will sit atop the "Air" container, and should be attached well to keep the piece sturdy. By insuring the integrity of the system, the perpetual fountain will be able to operate for the longest periods in between refills.


Step 6

Fill the "Water" and "Air" containers half full of water. Fill the basin to the top. The action which creates the fountain to flow is air pressure created from the addition of extra water into the "Water" container which pushes extra air into the "Air" container. This change in pressure will push the water in the "Air" container up and out through the fountain jet.


Step 7

Decorate the natural perpetual fountain so that it fits in the home or garden area of choice. Paints, wood details and other items can be created to house the unit for an added appeal. When complete, this natural perpetual fountain will operate for as long as the "Water" container is able to be filled. By using thin diameter PVC pip and a tight fountain outlet. You can adjust the pressure created from this perpetual fountain design.


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