How to Make Cork Trivets

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Things You'll Need

  • Wine corks

  • Base such as picture frame, serving tray or plywood

  • Paint or stain

  • Glue

  • Sandpaper

  • Knife

  • Books

Make Cork Trivets

Looking for something to do with those wine corks piling up around your kitchen? Consider making cork trivets. Dress up your kitchen counter or dining table with a few cork trivets. They make nice discussion pieces for dinner parties. Think about giving cork trivets as gifts. These are easy-to-make crafts with items you have around the house. Completing this craft project is inexpensive.


Step 1

Collect wine corks. Save wine corks from wine bottles you drink or ask friends to save their wine corks for your craft project. Check with local bars or wine stores if they have corks or can save them for you. Purchase corks online to use. Toss plastic or synthetic corks; these can burn if hot objects are placed on top of them.


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Step 2

Prepare the base. Use an old picture frame, serving tray or a piece of plywood as the base. Wipe off or clean the base if necessary. Paint or stain the base or trim a desired color. Allow time for the paint or stain to dry.

Step 3

Lay out the cork in the pattern you desire. Outline the border of your base and work inward. Creating a layout allows you to see the design as you put it together. Rotate the corks so the winery name shows. Sand or cut corks to fit in desired areas.


Step 4

Place corks; two diagonal, then two horizontal. Repeat this pattern around the frame of the base. Alternate the pattern for the next layer of corks. Continue until the base is covered in corks. Adjust corks to fill up the base.

Step 5

Glue down the corks. Pick up one or two corks and place glue on the base. Return corks to the base and press into place. Hold for a few seconds. Continue until all the corks are glued.


Step 6

Allow your trivet to dry. Place heavy books on top of the trivet to hold the corks in place and dry for three to four days. Check for loose corks and re-glue.


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