How to Make Pan Pizza on the George Foreman Grill

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Things You'll Need

  • George Foreman 360 grill or stainless steel grill

  • Refrigerated pizza dough (12 to 14 inches)

  • George Foreman pizza cooking plate

  • Assorted toppings

  • Cheeses (at least 1 10-oz. bag)

  • One jar marinara sauce

  • Seasonings

  • Spatula

  • Cutting board

  • 1/2 cup olive oil

  • 3 bowls

  • Knife

  • 1 cup flour

Make Pan Pizza on the George Foreman Grill

Pan pizza on a grill? Sure, if you've got a George Foreman grill, either the George Foreman 360 or the George Foreman stainless steel grill. These grills come with the proper cooking plates, with the correct temperature settings. Cooking a homemade pan pizza on these grills with fresh dough and toppings is surprisingly simple, and takes little time out of your day to make a quick meal for your family.


Step 1

Remove the pizza dough from the refrigerator. Sprinkle 1/4 cup flour on a cutting board and lay the pizza dough on it. Sprinkle 1/4 cup flour on top of the dough.

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Step 2

Remove your toppings from the refrigerator. Use whatever toppings you choose. Popular toppings include chicken, ham, pepperoni, sausage, bacon, dried tomatoes, mushrooms, green or red peppers, olives, onions, garlic, scallions and spinach. Dice up the toppings in bite-sized pieces, and set them aside in a bowl.


Step 3

Use a spatula to spread marinara sauce over the pizza dough. Leave an inch along all the edges so the pizza sauce doesn't spill over. Use as much as you desire. Sprinkle olive oil on top of the marinara sauce.


Step 4

Pick your cheese. Shredded cheese melts easier. Popular pizza toppings include mozzarella, provolone, ricota, romano, cheddar and parmesan. Use a combination of cheeses, or just one cheese. Sprinkle 2 cups of cheese on your pizza.

Step 5

Layer the toppings on top of the cheese, spreading them evenly around the pizza. Add 1 tbsp. of salt and pepper, sprinkling it evenly over the pizza. Add seasonings, if desired, such as basil leaves, cilantro, garlic, oregano, rosemary and parsley.


Step 6

Plug in the grill. Set it to the maximum heat (usually level 5), and wait 2 to 3 minutes for it to heat up.


Step 7

Set the pizza on the pizza griddle pan. Slide it onto the grill. According to the George Foreman grill instruction manual, the cooking time will depend on the types of toppings and the thickness of the ingredient layering. The pizza will be done once the sides of the pizza crust are hard and golden, and the cheese is melted.


Step 8

Once the pizza is completed, slide the griddle pan onto a heat-safe cutting board. Or lift the pizza straight out of the pan with a wide spatula.


Be careful working around hot grills, especially if you have children or pets. While several versions of the George Foreman grill are available, attempting a pizza on one of the other options may damage your grill and will not result in a good pan pizza. Do not attempt to cook pizzas on the following George Foreman models: the G-Broil, the G-Broil Supreme, the Grill & Roast, the Lean Mean Fryer, the Precision Grill, or the G5 Grill. These do not have the proper griddle plates or trays.


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