Why Are Red Poppies Worn on Veterans Day?

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On Veterans Day, you might notice some people wearing little red poppies. You might even see a veteran handing out little red poppies for people to wear.


Why Poppies?

Video of the Day

Poppies bloomes in the battlefields during World War I.
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Poppies became the symbol to represent veterans because of the poem "In Flanders Fields," by the Canadian military physician Colonel John McCrae. In the poem, McCrae wrote of the poppies that bloomed in some of the most bloodied battlefields of Flanders during World War I.


Video of the Day

Imagery of Red Poppies

The white crosses of a military cemetary.
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In the poem, McCrae wrote of the imagery of the bright red poppies, which had bloomed over the rows and rows of white crosses. His poem became a rallying cry for soldiers in WWI.


Two Women

Veterans day poppies.
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Anna Guerin of France and Moina Michael of Georgia were very touched by McCrae's poem. As a result, they worked hard to sell artificial poppies and raise money for disabled veterans and their families.


It Becomes Official

Poppies arethe official memorial flower to represent US veterans.
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In 1922, the Veterans of Foreign Wars made the poppy the official memorial flower to represent United States veterans.


Red Poppies Today

Wearing a red poppy honors all those who have served.
Image Credit: EdwardSamuelCornwall/iStock/Getty Images

Red poppies are still worn on Veterans Day, and money is still collected to assist veterans returning from war and to aid their families. So, on the next Veteran's Day, don't forget to wear your red poppy in honor of all those who have served.


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