How to Dispose of Chain Link Fencing

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Roll up a chain link fence before disposing it.

If you have a chain link fence that you need to dispose of, you cannot put the fence in your residential trash unless your town or city has a bulky item pickup day and agrees to pick up chain link fencing. If you have to dispose of the chain link fence yourself, take it to your local community recycling center or landfill after you dismantle it and bundle it properly.


Step 1

Take down the length of the fence and lay it flat on the ground.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Roll of the chain link fence with the help of a friend.

Step 3

Tie a rope or wire around the top and bottom of the chain link roll.

Step 4

Place the roll in the back of a pickup truck.

Step 5

Take the chain link roll to your local residential recycling center. Check with your local community recycling center to determine the dimensions your bundle must be. For example, some centers have restrictions on how heavy your chain link roll can be.

Step 6

If your community does not recycle chain link fences, take the fence to your local landfill.

Video of the Day

