How to Care for a Black Rose Succulent Plant

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Things You'll Need

  • Water

  • Slow-release fertilizer

  • Insecticidal soap

Black rose succulents are a variety of Aeonium known by the cultivar name of 'Zwartkop' and grow in United States Department of Agriculture growing zones 9, 10 and 11. The plant grows to a height of between 1 and 3 feet. They have a black appearance from afar, but are actually a deep red or burgundy color. Unlike other succulents, the black rose variety produces a stem which hold the rosettes above the soil line. Caring for a black rose succulent plant is similar to caring for other succulents.


Step 1

Place the black rose plants in an area that receives full sun exposure for at least four to six hours per day. The plants perform well indoors in a bright window sill, or on outdoor patio areas year-round in USDA growing zones 9, 10 and 11. In other regions, the plants may reside outdoors until the threat of frost when they are brought inside to a bright window sill until spring. If desired, you can grow the plants indoors year-round.

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Step 2

Water the soil in the black rose pot only when it feels dry to at least a 1 inch depth. Black rose plants require less moisture than other succulents and connately damp soil quickly kills the plant by causing rot.

Step 3

Fertilize the black rose plants with a balanced, time release fertilizer, such as 10-10-10, applied directly to the soil. Use the amount of fertilizer instructed on the package for one plant. Reapply it at the intervals specified by the manufacturer, which is typically every two, three or six months.


Step 4

Thin the plants out as they age and produce new black rose plants underneath the mature ones. Pull up all but two to three plants per pot or until none of them touch in the garden. Because of their taller stems. Crowed black rose plants often break each other off in periods of wind.

Step 5

Examine the black rose leaves regally for signs of mealy bugs or aphids which attack this plant the most. If you detect either insect, spray the leaves thoroughly with an insecticidal soap solution to kill them. Repeat the spray as needed until no insect activity remains.


Step 6

Move outdoor black rose plants indoors in the early to mid-fall if you live in USDA growing zones 8 or colder, since they are not cold tolerate plants and will die if even a mild frost occurs.


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