How to Make a Knitted Ski Mask

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Things You'll Need

  • 2 100-gram skeins of worsted-weight yarn

  • 5 size-8 double-pointed needles.

  • Stitch marker

  • Stitch holder

  • Yarn needle

  • Gauge: 18 stitches in 4 inches

  • Circumference: 22 inches

It isn't just for spies; a ski mask will protect your face from dryness and extreme cold on the ski slopes.

If you knit your own ski mask, you can choose the color and softness of your favorite yarn rather than buying a scratchy ski mask that looks like all the others. Choose a washable merino wool or alpaca for the softest feel and warmest protection. For this ski mask, you need to know how to cast on, knit, purl, bind off and pick up stitches. You'll be knitting in the round for most of the ski mask. For variety, choose a hand-dyed yarn with color-striping so that your ski mask has a beautiful range of colors in a random pattern.


Step 1

Cast on 100 stitches, dividing the stitches among four needles. Join them in a circle, placing a marker between the first and last stitch. Be careful not to twist the row of stitches.

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Step 2

Knit two stitches and purl two stitches on the next row. Repeat these four stitches all around the row, to create a two-by-two rib stitch. Continue knitting the rib pattern, knitting the knitted stitches, purling the purled stitches, until the tube is 6 inches long.

Step 3

Switch to stockinette stitch. Knit every stitch, and continue until the tube measures 12 inches altogether, 6 inches of rib stitch and 6 inches of stockinette stitch. End the last row at the marker.

Step 4

Start at the marker and knit 36 stitches onto one needle. Knit the next 28 stitches onto another needle and slip them onto a stitch holder. Knit the next 36 stitches onto a third needle.


Step 5

Knit across needle one. Turn your work. Purl across needles one and three. Turn your work. Knit across needle three to the marker. Repeat these rows one more time.

Step 6

Knit the 36 stitches on needle one. Cast on 28 stitches on needle two. Knit the 36 stitches on needle three. Divide all the stitches evenly on four needles. Leave the stitches that are on the stitch holder alone for now. You'll knit them later.


Step 7

Knit in the round in stockinette stitch until the forehead measures 3 inches and the entire piece measure 15 to 16 inches.

Step 8

Decrease 10 stitches every other row until 10 stitches remain. Row 1: Knit eight stitches and then knit two stitches together. Repeat this nine more times until you are back at the marker. Total stitches: 90 Row 2: Knit all stitches. Row 3: Knit seven stitches and then knit two stitches together. Repeat this nine more times until you are back at the marker. Total stitches: 80 Row 4: Knit all stitches. Row 5: Knit six stitches and then knit two stitches together. Repeat this nine more times until you are back at the marker. Total stitches: 70 Row 6: Knit all stitches. Row 7: Knit five stitches and then knit two stitches together. Repeat this nine more times until you are back at the marker. Total stitches: 60 Row 8: Knit all stitches. Row 9: Knit four stitches and then knit two stitches together. Repeat this nine more times until you are back at the marker. Total stitches: 50 Row 10: Knit all stitches. Row 11: Knit three stitches and then knit two stitches together. Repeat this nine more times until you are back at the marker. Total stitches: 40 Row 12: Knit all stitches. Row 13: Knit two stitches and then knit two stitches together. Repeat this nine more times until you are back at the marker. Total stitches: 30 Row 14: Knit all stitches. Row 15: Knit one stitch and then knit two stitches together. Repeat this nine more times until you are back at the marker. Total stitches: 20 Row 16: Knit all stitches. Row 17: Knit two stitches together all around the row. Repeat this nine more times until you are back at the marker. Total stitches: 10


Step 9

Break off the yarn. Use the yarn needle to pull the yarn through the remaining stitches. Pull them tightly to close the opening. Tie a knot and weave the loose end into the hat to hide it.

Step 10

Divide the 28 stitches on the stitch holder onto two needles. Pick up and knit two stitches from the side of the eye opening on the second needle. Pick up and knit 28 stitches across the top of the eye opening on two more needles. Pick up and knit two stitches on the other side of the eye opening on the fourth needle.


Step 11

Knit a two-by-two rib around the eye opening by knitting two stitches and purling two stitches, repeating these four stitches around the eye opening. Knit two more rows of two-by-two ribbing. Bind off the last row. Break off the yarn, leaving a 6-inch tail. Make a knot and then weave the yarn tail into the hat to hide it.


If you want a more colorful mask, use several different colors and change yarns every inch or so to make stripes. Use the yarn needle and remnants of colorful yarn to embroider designs on the mask, such as a pair of sunglasses surrounding the eyes or a mustache where the mouth is.


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