How to Mend a Glass Ornament

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How to Mend a Glass Ornament
Image Credit: Olesya Eroshenko /iStock/GettyImages

Glass Christmas ornaments are beautiful but fragile, and it's not uncommon to pull out your holiday decorations and discover that one has broken while in storage. It's often possible to repair a glass ornament using the appropriate glue, but doing so can be tricky if it has broken into multiple pieces or if any pieces are tiny or missing altogether.


Fixing a broken glass ornament calls for a careful approach, a steady hand and patience, so consider whether you want to tackle the job yourself, consult a professional or resign yourself to saying goodbye to the ornament for good. The answer will largely depend on the ornament repair needed and the value of the broken ornament, sentimental or otherwise.

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If you decide to DIY, here's a useful glass repair tutorial to give you the know-how you need.

Things You'll Need

  • Fast-drying super glue or clear epoxy glue for glass

  • Tweezers

  • Bowl and sand or modeling clay

  • Cotton swab or dry paintbrush

  • Toothpick

  • Nail polish remover

  • Cotton balls


  • Matching paint color or glitter (optional)

Reassemble the pieces

A straightforward break in a glass ball ornament, in which one or several pieces have broken off the main part, is usually easy to repair. Before applying any glass glue, carefully gather the pieces in one place and use your fingers or tweezers to gently match the broken edges and set the pieces back in place.


If any glass particles are obscuring a close fit between broken edges, brush them away with a cotton swab or dry paintbrush. Once you're able to fit the pieces neatly together like a jigsaw puzzle, you're ready to use glue. If you have multiple pieces to glue, plan the order in which you will assemble the pieces in advance.



If you decide that the repair will be too much of a hassle, consider repurposing the broken glass for craft purposes.

Use the right glue

To fix a broken glass ornament, use glue that is specifically designed for use on glass. Regular super glue is not typically suitable for glass, so check the label before purchasing any glue.


Options include fast-drying super glue for glass and epoxy glue for glass, comprised of two separate substances that you mix together immediately before use. Epoxy glue has a much longer drying time, which enables you to take a little longer with the repair. Whichever glue you choose, read the manufacturer's instructions thoroughly before you start.



You can make your own epoxy glue with this guide.

Fix a broken glass ornament

1. Secure the ornament

Set up a way to hold a broken ornament securely with the broken part facing up and both of your hands free. You can fill a shallow bowl with sand and nestle the ornament into it or mold a piece of modeling clay around the base of the broken ornament.




Do this in a spot where the ornament can sit undisturbed for as long as the glue takes to dry fully. In the case of epoxy glue, this might be several days.

2. Glue the ornament

With epoxy glue, prepare a small amount following the manufacturer's instructions, and use a toothpick to apply a thin but consistent layer along one of the first two broken edges to be repaired. If you are using super glue for glass, use the applicator to do the same. Gently position the broken edges back together and hold them firmly in place for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Repeat with additional broken pieces if necessary.



Do not touch or move the ornament until the glue has completely dried.

3. Fill the ornament

For some hollow glass ornaments, it might be helpful to stuff the inside with pulled-apart cotton balls. This will give the broken pieces a surface on which to rest as you glue them back into place. Do this only if the ornament is opaque or if you can reach tweezers inside to remove the cotton after the glue has dried. Remove excess glue using a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover.


Use caution when working with either super glue or epoxy glue. Avoid getting these products on your skin or clothing as you make your repair.

Fix a hole in a glass ornament

1. Buy the right glue

If you want to fix a broken glass ornament with a small hole in it and don't have the missing piece, purchase a special gap-filling glue that dries clear. Hot glue is a handy alternative if you want to repair a hole in a glass ornament that isn't too precious.

2. Apply the glue

Apply a blob of the thick, gel-like glue over the hole and if necessary, coax it into place with a toothpick or paintbrush. This type of repair will remain visible, but it will seal the sharp edges of a hole and prevent further damage.

3. Camouflage the glue

With a painted or glass ornament decorated with glitter, you might be able to cover the glue with a matching paint color or glitter.

