How to Install a Metal Roof on a Shed

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Things You'll Need

  • Shoes with rubber soles

  • Roofing nails

  • Drill

  • Gloves

  • Measuring tape

  • Screws

  • Metal cutters

  • Ladder

How to Install a Metal Roof on a Shed. While a metal roof can be a noisy addition to a home, it can be the perfect solution for a shed in need of repair. Lay the new metal roof right on top of an old roof or remove the old one first. Either way, a metal roof can add years to a shed because it is impervious to bugs and animals, and it weathers well in every climate.


Step 1

Measure the roof to determine how much metal you will need. Allow for at least 1 foot extra all the way around, leaving room for error and for overhang you may decide to utilize.

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Step 2

Determine which kind of metal you will use to repair the roof. The R-panel type metal roof is curvy and requires screws to install. The easier to install V-crimp metal roofing material does not require screws and comes ready to overlay.

Step 3

Lay down roofing paper or tar if you have removed the shingles from the old roof. If you do not remove the roof that needs repair, lay 1-by-4s across the top approximately 2-feet apart, to attach the metal to.

Step 4

Start screwing on the metal panels around the outside first, then finish the job beginning at one side. If you are right-handed, begin laying panels from the right and reverse if you are left-handed. Continue laying panels and attaching them to the tar or the boards until you reach the other side.


Step 5

Add edging to the rough edges after you are done laying all the metal panels on the roof. You may need to trim the last piece if it sticks out too far.


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