How to Sign a Valentine Card

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Things You'll Need

  • Valentine's Day card

  • Pen

  • Creativity

Valentine's Day is one of those holidays that some people secretly dread. Part of what causes them to feel that way is that they don't know how to properly sign their Valentine's Day card. They don't want to scare off the person they like, nor do they want to give the wrong impression to someone who is just a friend. That means finding the perfect way to sign a Valentine's Day card without worrying too much about the process. If you want to find the right way to sign a Valentine's Day card, think about who it's going to and reach for your pen.


Step 1

Think about who you're sending or giving the card to. The way you sign a Valentine's Day card for your mother is obviously going to be quite different from how your sign your husband or boyfriend's card. Think about what that person means to you and write something from the heart.

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Step 2

Use your imagination to come up with funny things to say. Adults can try using those lines from their childhood cards like "bee mine" to show how they feel.

Step 3

Write "love" for someone you truly care about as a good friend or a family member. Love doesn't mean the same thing when it isn't surrounded by those other two little words, but your friends and family members will still know just how you feel.


Step 4

Sign the Valentine's Day card with "I love you" for that special someone. You can add to that with something special such as their pet name, or mention something about them that you love. It doesn't take much to show them how you feel.

Step 5

Draw a funny picture if you can't think of anything to say. A drawing of two stick figures holding hands will show that special someone just how you feel about them.


If the cards are going out to a large group at the same time like at a Valentine’s Day party, try using the same signature for everyone. Happy Valentine’s Day is an easy way to sign your cards, without anyone getting the wrong impression.


Video of the Day