How to Make a Miniature Graveyard for Halloween

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Things You'll Need

  • 2 cups flour

  • 1 cup water

  • 1/4 cup salt

  • Mixing bowl

  • Carving tools or a sharp knife

  • Paint

  • Paintbrush

  • Shoebox

  • Glue

  • Dirt

  • Grass

Make a Miniature Graveyard for Halloween

The hundreds of movies showing the dead rising to life have made graveyards a scary place to visit. Because of this, they have become a symbol of the Halloween season. Some people place gravestones on their front lawns as decorations. With this craft your child can make a miniature graveyard to decorate his bedroom. You only need a few household items, so it won't cost you anything.


Step 1

Add flour, water and salt to a large mixing bowl. Mix thoroughly. This is your play dough. If you don't want to make the play dough, buy commercial play dough.

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Step 2

Separate your play dough in to how ever many little gravestones you want in your graveyard.


Step 3

Shape each block of play dough by making the bottom and two sides flat. The top will curve up and over. Make the sides smooth using carving tools or a sharp knife. Make the bottom perfectly flat so that it can stand erect.

Step 4

Carve sayings in to each gravestone or give the gravestone a name. Write the standard R.I.P. or something like Hal O. Ween. This is the part that allows you to be creative. Come up with your own sayings or research humorous epitaphs online.


Step 5

Leave your play dough out to harden or cook it in the microwave. If you choose the microwave method, only cook your little gravestones for 30 seconds at a time. Keep checking the dough and add another 30 seconds until it is dried out.

Step 6

Paint your gravestones. You will need gray paint or black paint mixed with white. One coat should be enough, but if not go ahead and give it a second coat. Set aside to dry.


Step 7

Glue the bottom of the gravestones to spots in the shoebox. Decide ahead of time where you want to place each gravestone. Allow glue to dry.

Step 8

Add some dirt from outside to your graveyard. Scatter it around.


Step 9

Add some grass to your graveyard. Spread it out over top of the dirt. It is okay if the dirt is showing.

Step 10

Place some miniature flowers at one or two of the gravestones. This step is optional.


Lay out some newspapers on your workspace area to protect the surfaces. Have children wear old clothes in case they get messy with the paint. Make some of the gravestones in the shape of a cross.


Small children should not use the carving tools or the knife. Middle age children should be supervised when using carving tools or a knife.


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