How to Make a Queen Size Comforter

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Things You'll Need

  • Patterned fabric, 83 by 87 inches

  • solid fabric, 83 by 87 inches

  • corresponding color quilting thread

  • 5 bags of down batting (for inside of comforter)

  • Wide edging or lace of your choice

  • Hem tape

  • Pins

  • Quilting Needle

You need a new comforter for your queen sized bed but with skyrocketing prices you can't afford to purchase one. You can actually make one quite cheaply, and it will be as pretty and warm as one you would have purchased. Try making this simple "no sew" pattern and you will be making more in no time.



Step 1

You will have to sew your yardage together to make an 83 by 87 inches overall size. Don't worry about the seams. You can incorporate them into the design.

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Step 2

Lay out the solid piece of fabric on the floor or on a large flat area of the same size. The solid colored side should face the floor.


Step 3

Lay the batting down over the solid piece of material. Make sure you keep the batting at least 1/2 inch from the edge of the fabric.

Step 4

Lay the patterned piece of fabric over the batting with the right side facing up toward you. Pin all three pieces together.


Step 5

To make a border around your comforter, take the wide edging, like lace, or something similar and place under the top layer of the comforter. Make sure you keep it straight as you work. Remove the pins if you have to and replace them to hold the lace or border in place as you work. Try keeping the pins as far back from the edge as possible so as to complete the next step.


Step 6

You will now start at an edge of the border. Remove the pins from a desired section, say about four inches. Holding everything carefully, place a strip of hem tape against the top material and press firmly. Then press the hem tape against the lace border firmly. This hems it in place. Repeat the same process underneath the lace edging, attaching it to the bottom material. Continue all the way around the comforter, working small areas at a time.


Step 7

Once the comforter is hemmed all the way around, iron the border to create a crisp edge. Use the quilt thread and with the right side of the comforter up, thread a needle with approximately 4 inches of thread. Place a tie anywhere on the top of the comforter. You can place the ties randomly or in a certain design by marking the top of the comforter at places where you want the tie to be. The next step is very similar to that of sewing on a button. Pull the thread through all layers of material down, leaving at least 1 1/2 inches of thread loose and come back up through the material. Immediately turn the needle and thread back down through the material. Repeat this process twice. It's just like sewing on a button ... without the button! Make sure you end up with two threads hanging loose on the top of the comforter. Cut to desired length of anywhere from 2 to 4 inches, depending on the look you want. Place a double knot in the thread pulled snugly against the top of the comforter. Repeat this step over the whole top of the comforter. This will give a quilted look to your comforter and make it more durable in the wash.

Step 8

You now have a queen sized comforter, and you have customized it to your individual tastes.


If you wish, you can use a sewing machine instead of hem tape. Try different tie designs to get the one you especially want. Examples: random, diamond shapes, straight lines or hearts inside hearts.


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