How to Notify a Magazine Subscription of Change of Address

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Things You'll Need

  • Change of address card

  • Magazine masthead

Moving can be a pain. There are so many details to remember, you might overlook forwarding your regular periodicals. Here are three easy steps to ensure your move is a little less traumatic--by ensuring your magazines are forwarded correctly.

Make sure your magazines move with you

Step 1

Fill out a change of address card. This is the most important thing you can do to ensure all of your mail, not just your magazines, follow you. You can pick up change of address cards at your local U.S. Post Office. Just fill out the information and drop it in the mail. Or, you can fill it out online at the U.S. Postal Service Web site. The post office will then automatically reroute your mail for a set amount of time. This is to allow you enough time to contact your service providers and give them your new address. The Post Office also sends (if the service provider has requested and paid for this service) change off address notification cards out to your providers. So, in some cases, as soon as you drop your card in the mail, some providers will change your address automatically.


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Step 2

Check the masthead. All magazines have an area known as the masthead. Flip a few pages into your magazine, and you should find a page that lists all of the employees and contributors. Listed on the masthead will be directions about subscription-related inquiries, including subscription changes. Follow the magazines instructions, as per the listing, and you shouldn't have to miss a single issue of your favorite magazine.

Step 3

Log on. Many magazine subscriptions are regulated online. Visit the magazine's website and check out the subscribers' area. Chances are there will be a place for you to log in and adjust your account. If there isn't, there should be a help button, which you can use to email customer service with your address change.


Mail can sometimes be delayed during the forwarding process. You may want to change your address as soon as you know what your new address will be. Or, you may want to invest in a Post Office box.

Also, don't forget that many places offer online billing and online subscriptions. Sometimes you can save yourself a little time and a little headache by subscribing online.


Never rely solely on your change of address card. Not all magazines or newspapers pay for the forward-notification service, so if you don't take additional steps, you could end up paying for a magazine you won't get.


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