How to Start a Silk Flower Business

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Things You'll Need

  • Business license

  • Bookkeeping book

  • Floral wire

  • Floral tape

  • Pots

  • Wreaths

  • Styrofoam

  • Hot glue gun

  • Glue sticks

  • Storage space

  • Workroom

If you would like to start a silk flower business, beautiful silk flower arrangements can be created in your kitchen or basement and shipped out. Silk flowers are easy to ship and won't have the special shipping requirements of fresh flowers, and the market is wide. Flowers are a great gift of holidays, birthdays and funerals.


Step 1

Go to your city's website and get an application for a business license. This can be mailed to the city office or taken in person. This license is usually inexpensive but will be a necessity for your silk flower business. Hang it in a place that can be seen by customers.

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Step 2

Obtain a seller's permit or resale license to be able to sell the silk flower arrangements to the general public.


Step 3

Set up purchasing with a wholesale floral distributor or manufacturer. Have a list ready of all the things you will need, such as silk flowers, flower pots, floral tape, scissors, floral wire and baskets. Different types of arrangements you could make are wreaths, corsages and wedding bouquets. What you want to make, will determine your supplies.


Step 4

Keep cost down when first beginning your silk flower business. To do this, don't stock your shelves with product that it could take months to sell. When orders come, then use supplies and then buy more. This will save money in the beginning months of operation.

Step 5

Create the business's bookkeeping with a computer bookkeeping program to keep track of expenses and purchases. Keeping a detailed bookkeeping of expenses and sales is important to running a small business.


Step 6

Clean out your garage or basement and create a workspace for your silk floral business. It is important to have a workspace that is dedicated to creating arrangements.

Step 7

Have large buckets to place larger flowers in for storage. No matter how small your workspace is, having large buckets is a perfect way store the flowers, big and small.


Step 8

By different types of silk flowers. Stems have blossoms and leaves and may need to be trimmed. Sprays has several blooms and leaves. Cuttings usually have a large bloom with smaller blooms and a short stem. A bundle is a large group of flowers loosely tied together, usually by a rubber band. Silk plants and leaves are a perfect filler for any arrangement.


Step 9

Don't quit your day job during the first year of your silk flower business. Starting a business often is financially difficult for the first couple of years, so having a day job can be a financial help as your business gets off the ground.


Step 10

Sell your product online. To do this, create a free blog about your silk flower business. This is a great way to begin showcasing your arrangements and get followers. Make sure to have all your company information on the blog so customers can reach you. Blogging is a great way to get free publicity, especially when your budget is limited.


Step 11

Look for free or low-cost websites. After you've set up your blog and have more cash flow, set up your website, which can create more business from customers around the country. Add a link to and from your blog to have your loyal following of find your website.

Step 12

Sell your product locally. An inexpensive way of getting business is to join the local chamber of commerce or other small groups of businesses with the intent of networking. Tell everyone you know that you are starting a silk floral business. Have business cards made up, and hand them out everywhere you go.


Step 13

Create a signature on your email telling more about your business. To do this, go to options on your email and click on Signature. Here you can add a message about your business that will appear on every email that you send.


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