How to Make a Blindfold

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Things You'll Need

  • Notebook paper

  • Ruler

  • Scissors

  • 10-inch square fabric

  • Lightweight quilt batting, small amount

  • 1 yard long by 5/8-inch wide satin ribbon

  • Straight pins

  • Sewing machine

  • Sewing needle and thread

  • Iron

Blindfolds can have many uses and are easy to make. The most common use is for games, such as "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" or when batting at a piñata. They are also used more sedately as a mask to block out light while sleeping. Learn to make a blindfold that is versatile enough for rest and play. This project uses few supplies and is economical to make. The sleeping mask blindfold makes a wonderful stocking stuffer for adults. Use bright novelty fabric and make blindfolds for your next child's birthday party.


Step 1

Draw a 4 1/2-inch wide by 9 1/2-inch long rectangle on a piece of notebook paper. This is the size of your blindfold.

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Step 2

Find the center of one long side and mark it. Measure toward the center of the rectangle 1 1/4 inches, and mark. On the same long side of the rectangle, make a mark 2 1/4 inches from each short end.

Step 3

Round the edges of each corner on the rectangle.

Step 4

Curve a line from the 2 1/4-inch mark to the 1 1/4-inch mark inside the rectangle. Repeat from the other 2 1/4-inch mark. This will give you room for your nose.


Step 5

Cut the pattern out.

Step 6

Fold the fabric in half with the right sides together to measure 5 inches wide by 10 inches long. Pin the blindfold pattern to the fabric through both layers.


Step 7

Cut the blindfold out.

Step 8

Pin the blindfold pattern to the lightweight quilt batting and cut out one shape.

Step 9

Cut the satin ribbon in half and angle cut each end to prevent it from fraying.


Step 10

Roll up a piece of the ribbon and pin it to keep it from unraveling, leaving a 2-inch tail. This will prevent the ribbon from getting caught in the stitching when sewing the blindfold. Repeat for the other piece of ribbon.

Step 11

Place the ribbon in between the fabric blindfold shape and the lightweight quilt batting. Pin the tail edge of the ribbon to the center of each short end of the blindfold. Lay the quilt batting blindfold shape on top of the layered fabric ones and pin through all layers.


Step 12

Sew around the blindfold using a 1/2-inch seam allowance. Leave a 3-inch opening along the top of the blindfold for turning.

Step 13

Trim the seam allowance on the blindfold to 1/8 inch.

Step 14

Turn the blindfold right side out and remove the pins from the ribbon. Press the blindfold and pin the opening closed.


Step 15

Blind stitch the opening closed using a sewing needle and matching thread.

Step 16

Top stitch the blindfold a scant 1/4 inch from the edge.


When you're ready to put the blindfold on, place the satin pattern over your eyes and tie the two ribbons behind your head in a bow.

Suitable alternatives to quilt batting include felt, flannel and fleece.


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