How to Get Cigarette Smoke Out of Fabric

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If you are a smoker or are surrounded by smokers, you don't have to smell like you just stepped out of an ashtray. There are inexpensive techniques to get the smell of cigarette smoke out of your clothes and other fabrics in your house.

How to Get Cigarette Smoke Out of Fabric

Step 1

Wash and dry the fabric with an odor eliminator, such as Febreze (see "References" below. You can also add a half to a full cup of other items, even sprays used to eliminate pet odors and stains. Another odor eliminator is white vinegar. For really stubborn odors, add a cup of white vinegar and a half-cup of baking soda to your wash. Use fabric sheets in the dryer to help freshen your clothes and other fabrics and to remove any cigarette smoke smell.


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Step 2

Spray fabric fresheners on your clothes and other fabrics in your house. Again, Febreze is a good choice. Also, try the sprays used to eliminate pet odors and stains. Use sprays for either cats or dogs, found in pet or grocery stores. The generic brands work just as well as the name brands. Another effective odor remover is Vamoose (see "References" below).

Step 3

For stubborn cigarette smoke odors, soak your fabric overnight in a strong solution of white vinegar and water, then wash and dry as usual. After washing your clothes and other fabrics to remove odors, hang them to dry outdoors in the fresh air.


Air purifiers and live plants help purify the air in a home.


Cigarette smoking is hazardous to your health and can be a very tough habit to break. The odors can be another incentive to quit smoking


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