How to Make Cowbells

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The public is crying out for "more cowbell," and it's up to you to answer the call! You don't need to raise cows to enjoy creating a bell of your own. The supplies aren't tough to find, and there are plenty of opportunities for you to customize your design. Choose sheet metal based on the sound. If you're looking for a new kitchen decoration or just a creative new way to call the kids to dinner, follow the steps below.



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Step 1

The first step is to find a pattern to guide the process. If you feel confident enough drawing a pattern of your own, give it a shot, but other options are available. Follow the link below and scroll through the images at Mother Earth News to find their cowbell pattern. You'll need a stiff, sturdy material to make the cowbell frame, so trace the pattern onto cardboard. Fold the pattern into a bell shape and hold the sides together with tape or paper clips. This is your opportunity to make sure that the bell is exactly the size and shape you want, so feel free to adjust.

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Step 2

Unfold your cardboard model and trace the pattern onto a sheet of copper. Metal shears will cut the shape out of the copper, but the copper will not fold easily. Use a hammer and chisel to scrape into the folds of the bell and create corners. Once you have folded the bell, bolt the corners together. The Mother Earth News model provides the ideal points for the screws.
