How to Make Scented Potholders

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Things You'll Need

  • Scrap fabric

  • Scrap cotton batting

  • Scissors

  • Straight pins

  • Sewing machine

  • Thread

  • Potpourri

  • Needle

Scented Potholders

Every kitchen needs potholders. They are easy enough to purchase at a kitchen or discount store. However, scented potholders are not as easy to find. When you place a hot casserole dish onto a scented pot holder, the potpourri inside adds to the aroma of the dining experience. Using some basic sewing skills, scented pot holders are easy to make.


Step 1

Cut two 6½-inch squares from scrap fabric. Also, cut two six-inch pieces of cotton batting.

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Step 2

Place the two pieces of fabric right sides together and pin them around three sides. Sew a ¼-inch seam around the three sides, forming a pocket.

Step 3

Spread potpourri (apple and cinnamon is nice) on one of the pieces of cotton batting. Place the second piece of batting on top and sew around all four sides (with a ¼-inch seam), enclosing the potpourri inside the two batting pieces.

Step 4

Work the batting into the fabric pocket until it fits even and flat.


Step 5

Hand-sew the third side of the potholder closed.

Step 6

Sew around all four sides of the potholder on the outside, a half-inch from the outside edge. This will hold the batting in place.


Dried herbs may be exchanged for the potpourri.


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