How to Grow Canary Island Palm from Seed

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Things You'll Need

  • Ripe Canary Island date palm fruit

  • Planting pots

  • Potting soil

  • Large zip-top plastic bag

The Canary Island date palm is a massive palm tree, reaching a height of up to 60 feet with a huge crown at the top that can be up to 25 feet wide. It has a heavy trunk, bearing leaf scars. The palm possesses dark green, feathery fronds. The fruit of the tree forms in a large clusters. When trimmed correctly, the bottom of the crown has a distinct pineapple shape, hence its alternate name, the Pineapple palm. Canary Island date palms are propagated almost exclusively by seed. Planting a seed from this palm is relatively easy and can be done in your own home.


Planting Your Palm Seeds

Step 1

Squeeze the ripe fruit to remove the seed. Wash the seed thoroughly.

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Step 2

Fill the plant pot with potting soil. Water this soil so that it is damp, but not wet.


Step 3

Insert the seed into the soil so that it is just covering the seed. If the pot is large enough, you can plant several seeds.

Step 4

Place the pot in the large plastic bag and seal it. Place the pot and plastic bag in a warm area to germinate. Optimal temperature for germination is around 33 degrees C.


Step 5

Watch for growth. Each seed will sprout a single leaf, initially. Let the seedlings grow in the pot for up to one year before transplanting them to other pots or, if you're hardiness zone supports Canary Island date palms, in your yard.

Growing Your Palm Tree

Step 1

Plant the seedlings outdoors in full sun in an area large enough to accommodate a tree of the Canary Island date palm's stature. Ensure that the soil drains well.


Step 2

Exercise patience, as this tree grows very slowly and may take more than 15 years to reach a height 3 meters.

Step 3

Remove fronds that are hanging below horizontal, by hand using an offset lopper, as the tree grows. Be sure to wear leather gloves, as the fronds have sharp edges.

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