How to Cook Pork Loins on an Electric Grill

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Things You'll Need

  • Marinade

  • Meat thermometer

  • Tongs

  • Barbecue sauce

  • Grilling brush

  • Platter

Pork loin is a tender and lean cut of meat that cooks up as a tasty and healthy dish. It lends itself to many different cooking applications, including grilling on an electric grill. Since it is such a large cut of meat, your grill needs to be large enough to accommodate it. It is not fatty, so you shouldn't have much of a problem with flare-ups.


Step 1

Marinate your pork loin if possible for up to 24 hours before grilling. You can use a variety of herbs and spices, depending on your tastes. Typically salt, pepper, rosemary, thyme, oregano, red chili, sugar, garlic and even some liquid smoke are massaged over the meat. Wrap it tightly in plastic so the marinade has good contact with the meat and refrigerate.

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Step 2

Remove your meat from the refrigerator about an hour before you are planning on grilling it. This will give it time to come to room temperature. If you place cold meat on a hot grill, the fibers will have a tendency to shrink, making the meat slightly tougher. Keep the pork loin on a large platter or baking dish to collect any juices that may have accumulated.


Step 3

Turn the grill on to bring it up to the temperature of at least 400 degrees. Most electric grills can maintain this heat, but only if you keep the lid on. It might take as much as 15 minutes to reach this point. While you are waiting, drizzle the meat with a little olive oil to keep it from sticking during the grilling process.


Step 4

Spray some lubricating oil on the grates to keep the lean meat from sticking. Lay the whole pork loin on the grill and close the lid. After about 10 minutes, there should be some good markings from the grates. Flip the loin over and wait another 10 minutes for it to get charred on the other side, again with the lid closed.


Step 5

Coat the pork with your barbecue sauce and continue the grilling and flipping for two more flips. Check the internal temperature of the pork with your meat thermometer. You want it to reach at least 160 degrees for 10 minutes, preferably 170 degrees for cooking the meat thoroughly, which most people prefer with pork.


Step 6

Remove the pork loin from the grill and turn off the power to the grill. Let the pork sit in a baking pan covered in foil for at least 10 minutes, preferably 20 minutes so the juices have time to relax into the meat. Slice the meat into half-inch slices and serve with extra sauce.


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