How to Make a Crown of Thorns for an Easter Play

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If you're putting together an Easter play, make a crown of thorns for the person playing Jesus Christ to wear as part of their costume. Using a few items that are readily available at most craft supply stores, here's how to make a crown of thorns for your Easter play.


Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure

  • Grape vine

  • Wooden toothpicks

  • Brown craft paint

  • Small paint brush

  • Twine

  • Brown elastic headband

  • Hot glue gun and hot glue sticks

  • Nail clipper

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1. Measure Their Head

Measure the circumference of the head of the person who will wear the crown of thorns in the Easter play. This will let you know how large you need to make a crown of thorns before getting to work.

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2. Cut and Secure the Grape Vine

Cut the length of grape vine about 4 inches longer than the head circumference measurement you took in the first step of this how-to. Make a loop with the vine so that it will fit snugly onto the person's head. Secure the loop by tying twine in a couple of spots to reinforce the hold.


3. Paint Toothpicks

Paint about two dozen wooden toothpicks with brown craft paint and set them aside to dry. These will be the "thorns" in your crown of thorns, so try to cover them completely and let them dry for at least two hours so that you don't get paint on the person wearing it.


4. Glue on the Headband

Use hot glue on the inner perimeter of the crown. Stretch the headband so it encircles the inner perimeter of the crown and affixes to it with hot glue. This will make the crown much more comfortable to wear.



5. Add the Toothpicks

Insert the dried toothpicks into the weave of the grape vine. Use hot glue to hold them in place. Allow the glue about 20 minutes to dry completely.


6. Snip the Toothpick Ends

Snip the ends of the toothpicks off at a slant using a pair of nail clippers. The toothpicks are to be the thorns in the crown of thorns. You may need to touch up the very ends of the toothpicks with a tiny bit of brown craft paint after clipping these ends.


If you store the crown away where it can't be crushed or spilled on, you can save this creation for years to come.
