How to Clean Wine Stains on Tile

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Things You'll Need

  • Dish detergent

  • ½ cup Hydrogen peroxide

  • Spray bottle

  • Bleach pen

You have decided to serve wine at your new boss' promotion dinner party, which you are hosting at home. Halfway through the party, you find that someone has carelessly spilled their Dom. Romane Conti 1997 onto your tile floor or counter. This stain does not need to upset you for the rest of your party. In fact, with a couple of household items you can get that stain removed permanently.


Step 1

Clean up the wine spill as soon as it happens. Start by mixing dish detergent and warm water together. Add enough detergent to make the mix sudsy. Doing this immediately will not allow the acids in the wine to damage the tile. If you do this right after the spill, you can wait a couple of hours before continuing to tackle the stain.

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Step 2

Mix ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide and one cup of water together into a spray bottle.

Step 3

Spray the stain completely. Let the peroxide sit for an hour. The peroxide will draw the wine out of the tile.


Step 4

Wipe the stain away with a warm damp cloth. This will remove most of the stain.

Step 5

Repeat the process, allowing the peroxide to sit for thirty minutes. The stain will be removed.


If the stain has been sitting for a while then do the same process, but double the times allotted.

If the wine has stained the grout area, then you can use a bleach pen if the grout is white. If the grout is another color, then you can follow the same steps above, but there will be a lot of elbow grease involved. Between applications scrub the grout vigorously.


If the stain has been sitting awhile and you are considering letting the peroxide sit for several hours, then you should first try the peroxide mixture on a test piece of tile. Leaving hydrogen peroxide on tile for this long may cause discoloration.


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