How to Make a Cupcake Stand for 200 Cupcakes

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Things You'll Need

  • Cake boards

  • Craft glue

  • Wrapping paper

  • Ribbon

  • Hot glue gun

  • 1-inch-diameter PVC piping

  • Spray paint

  • Royal icing

Cupcake stands are similar to tiered cake stands used to assemble wedding cakes. The difference is in the support system. Supports for wedding cakes rest on the cake layers. Cupcake supports are placed in the center of tiers, and cupcakes are placed around them. When decorated, cupcake stands can make fun and attractive displays for any number of events. Stands are inexpensive to make and require only a few basic materials.


Step 1

Prepare your cake boards by decorating them first. For 200 cupcakes, you will need eight boards in all, one that is 16 inches in diameter, one that is 14 inches, two that are 12 inches, one that is 10 inches, one that is 8 inches, and two that are 6 inches. Using craft glue, adhere wrapping paper to the tops and bottoms of your cake boards. Cover the exposed edges of the boards with a coordinating ribbon using a hot glue gun.

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Step 2

Obtain 1-inch-diameter PVC piping from your local hardware store. Have the store cut 32 pieces to a height of 4 inches. Paint the piping with spray paint to match the wrapping paper you used on your boards and allow it to dry thoroughly.

Step 3

Place 30 cupcakes in a circle on the display table. In between the cupcakes, place four pieces of piping in a square pattern. The pieces should be in the center of the cupcakes and should be 8 inches apart.


Step 4

Pipe some royal icing onto the tops of the piping. Royal icing is a type of icing that is firm and dries hard. It is often used by bakers and pastry artists to bind pieces together. It is commonly used to hold gingerbread houses together. Place the 16-inch-diameter cake board on top of the piping. Make sure the board is centered. Place cupcakes on top of the board, spacing the cupcakes so that you have enough room to place the next set of piping and enough room for your guests to remove cupcakes.


Step 5

Place the 14-inch board on top of the piping, again making sure it is centered. Pipe royal icing onto both ends of four more pieces of piping and assemble them as you did the first set. This time, space them approximately 6 inches apart. Place cupcakes around them and then add the 12-inch cake board.


Step 6

Continue to build your cupcake stand in this manner, working your way to the final 6-inch cake boards. The spacing of the piping will continue to decrease at increments of about 2 inches for each different-size layer.


When you have finished assembling your cupcake stand, you will likely have a few cupcakes left over, depending on how you spaced them on your boards. Arrange any leftovers around the display table.


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