How to Use a Dirt Devil Feather Lite

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Dirt Devil Featherlite vacuum cleaners are a convenient machine for removing dirt and debris from your carpet. Featherlite vacuum cleaners don't have many of the features found in high-end vacuum cleaners, but are a bargain-price solution for homes with low-maintenance carpets, such as throw rugs or rooms with short carpets. In addition, Featherlite vacuums have several attachments for cleaning walls and other hard-to-reach areas.


Step 1

Plug the power cord into a working electrical outlet and press the handle release lever on the back of the nozzle. The handle release allows you to move the handle to a comfortable position for pushing and pulling on the vacuum cleaner.

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Step 2

Turn the vacuum cleaner on with the power switch located on the handle of the machine.

Step 3

Move the vacuum cleaner back and forth over the carpet to draw dirt and debris into the machine.

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Using Attachments

Step 1

Turn off the power and return the handle to the full, upright position. The attachments will only work if the handle is in the upright position.


Step 2

Pull the hose off of the vacuum cleaner body and slide one of the attachments into the end of the hose.

Step 3

Press the power button to the "On" position and run the attachment lightly over furniture, walls and steps to clean those surfaces.

Step 4

Turn off the vacuum when finished, twist and pull the attachment out of the hose and return the hose to the body of the vacuum cleaner.


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