How to Glue a Polycarbonate Sheet

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Things You'll Need

  • 2 polycarbonate sheets

  • Methylene chloride or chloroform

Polycarbonate is a clear, colorless plastic often used as a replacement for glass. There are two ways to glue polycarbonate sheets: using an epoxide or fusing the sheets together. Using epoxide glue for this purpose is a relatively simple procedure, but fusing the sheets together is a little more interesting and can create a nearly invisible division.


Step 1

Clean the edges of the sheets where you want to fuse them together.

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Step 2

Add a small trail of methylene chloride or chloroform along one edge of one sheet.


Step 3

Allow the solvent to soak into the sheet. The edge should become a little sticky.


Step 4

Place the sticky edge onto the clean edge of the other sheet.


Step 5

Support the sheets to keep the two edges in constant contact with light pressure while the sheets dry.


Step 6

Allow the two sheets to dry for 48 hours. This should be done in a well-ventilated area.


This process also works with Plexiglass (polymethyl methacrylate).


Methylene chloride and chloroform are toxic and carcinogenic. Use only in well-ventilated areas.


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