How to Fix the Seams of Leather Furniture

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Things You'll Need

  • Scissors

  • Leather punch or awl

  • Leatherworking needle

  • Heavy thread

Leather furniture is a coveted addition to any living room for both its comfort and its luxurious feel. But if your leather furniture busts a seam, it quickly becomes less attractive and less valuable. You can repair your leather furniture seams by yourself using the right kind of stitching technique, restoring the item's structural integrity and appearance while saving money on repair or replacement costs.


Step 1

Tie off the loose thread by the torn area and trim it.

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Step 2

Determine how the seam tore. If the thread tore, you only need to re-sew; if the thread tore through the leather, carefully cut away the shredded and sewn leather segments. Make new holes for sewing (now, or as you sew) using a leather hole punch or leather awl.

Step 3

Double-thread a needle. Thread the eye. Pull the end of the thread down to meet the opposite end and tie the ends together. Use enough thread so that the doubled-up length is as long as you'll need; this will give your stitches more strength without the risk of the thread being so tough that it tears through the leather when stressed.


Step 4

Sew the seam while folding it in on itself. Tuck the needle beneath the seam to sew the material from the inside. This will not be possible for the final stitch of the repair, which must be done from the outside (so it will stick out), but the bulk of the repaired seam will be internal.

Step 5

Tie off the thread and trim it. Tie the end of your stitching thread to the loose thread from the original stitching. This will keep both from unraveling.


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