How to Care for Good Luck Cacti

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Things You'll Need

  • Cactus potting soil

  • Container

  • Gloves

  • Water

  • Stones

  • Cactus fertilizer

The good luck cactus is an emerald and ruby-toned cactus with delicate petals. Its formal name is Euphorbia trigona. Like most cactus, the good luck cactus can only be grown outdoors in very hot climates, perferably hardiness zones 10 to 11. The good luck cactus will fare well indoors with adequate light. Like other members of the Euphorbia family, the good luck cactus will bleed an irritating white sap if cut or nicked. The sap can sting or itch and may cause allergic reactions. To avoid the unpleasant feeling, always wear gloves when handling your good luck cactus for anything more in-depth than watering.


Step 1

Place a thin layer of stones in the bottom of your container, then fill then container halfway with cactus potting soil. Cactus potting soil is fast draining and can contain more sand than regular potting soil, making it a better choice for planting succulents that need a soil that won't retain moisture.

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Step 2

Put your gloves on and remove your good luck cactus from its container. If you don't have gloves, you can use kitchen tongs to pick up the cactus or you can grab it with newspaper protecting your hand.

Step 3

Place your good luck cactus in the pot, making sure it's vertically straight. Cover over the rest of the plant with cactus soil. Add a small layer of stones on the top to prevent excess moisture from clinging to the roots, causing root rot. Water the plant to help get air bubbles out of the soil and help the roots establish.


Step 4

Place your euphorbia trigona in a sunny location. During summer and fall months you can keep your plant outside--and if you live in a warm location like Texas or Florida, you can keep it outside year round--but you'll want to bring it in when temperatures fall below 40 F.

Step 5

Water the good luck cactus every two to three weeks or when the soil is dry. You can test the water content of the soil by poking a pencil into it. If no dirt clings to the pencil, it's a good time to water. If dirt clings to the pencil, wait a few more days.


Step 6

Fertilize the plant regularly with cactus fertilizer or cactus food. Wait until the roots are tightly packed at the bottom of the pot before transplanting your Euphorbia trigona in a larger pot.


Cactus like to be crowded in their pots, so look for a container that will keep the plant feeling crowded.

Avoid getting the plant's stalks wet.


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