How to Glue a Metal Screw to Metal

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Things You'll Need

  • Epoxy glue, such as two-part epoxy glue or super glue

  • Metal screws

  • Metal surface

Image Credit: Images

Outside of metallurgy, effective permanent and near-permanent metal fastening requires epoxy glue. Epoxy glues are optimally effective for bonding metal to metal. You can use epoxy glue to bond a metal screw to any kind of metal surface, including walls, pipes and even nuts.


Step 1

Prepare your glue products before attempting to connect the metal screw to another metal surface. Mix any two-part epoxy glue beforehand. Have your Super Glue, Krazy Glue or other ready-made epoxy glue on hand before beginning the bonding process.

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Step 2

Scrape the areas of the metal screw and the metal surface you wish to bond to give them added texture before bonding them with glue. This is not mandatory, but can prove helpful in maintaining a stronger, longer-lasting bond.

Step 3

Apply a thin layer of epoxy glue to the surface to which you wish to fasten the metal screw.

Step 4

Hold the metal screw to the metal surface for at least 30 minutes. This secures the bond. Leave the bond undisturbed for 24 hours for maximum effect. Your metal screw will be strongly bonded to your metal surface.


Wait until you have twisted the metal screw into place before applying epoxy glue if you are trying to fasten it to a nut, as the epoxy glue may hold the screw into place on contact.


Wear gloves and goggles, if necessary, to keep epoxy glue from coming into contact with your skin and eyes.


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