How to Clean a Stainless Steel Platter

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Things You'll Need

  • Dish detergent

  • Soft sponge

  • Soft bristled toothbrush or cotton swabs

  • Soft towel

Stainless steel platters possess some of the shine of silver platters but do not tarnish like silver; they are, therefore, easier to care for. Keep your stainless steel platter looking new by cleaning it promptly and properly with the appropriate kinds of cleaners. Oils and dyes from foods, or any other items, can stain even stainless steel if you put off cleaning the platter. In most cases, cleaning only takes a few minutes and requires very little effort.


Step 1

Set the platter at an angle in your kitchen sink. If your sink is made of a hard material, such as stainless steel or porcelain, consider placing a towel in the sink first to protect the platter from rubbing against the sink (which could cause scratches).

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Step 2

Turn the faucet on and wet the platter down with warm water. Dampen a soft kitchen sponge in the water as well and add a few drops of dish detergent to the sponge.

Step 3

Turn the faucet off (to conserve water) and scrub the serving side of the platter with the sponge. Use a dampened soft-bristled toothbrush or cotton swabs to remove food particles around the lip of the platter, if you can't clean this area sufficiently with the sponge.

Step 4

Turn the faucet back on to rinse the platter and then clean the back side of the platter with the soapy sponge. Rinse the platter completely.


Step 5

Dry the stainless steel platter with a soft towel. Store the platter in a cupboard or on a shelf, away from sharp utensils that could scratch it.


To add shine to dulled stainless steel platters, place a drop of food-grade mineral oil on a soft, clean cloth. Buff this over the platter.


Do not use products containing bleach or ammonia on stainless steel platters. According to, these cleaners, as well as abrasive cleaners, should not be used on stainless steel.


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