How to Put a Stove Pipe Together

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Things You'll Need

  • Stove pipe pieces of similar gauge (22 or 24 gauge)

  • Self-tapping pipe screws, 3 per joint

Image Credit: Hemera Technologies/ Images

Stove pipe is used to connect a freestanding stove to a chimney, not as the chimney. Stove pipe comes in different gauges and styles, so it's best to buy all your pipe from the same manufacturer. It can be single-walled or double-walled; you need to be sure the pieces you are connecting are all the same type. Black stove pipe is self-locking, so with experience, you will be at ease when you connect it. You can practice popping the groove and tongue together until you feel confident in this maneuver. The following steps are for the single-walled variety.


Step 1

Measure the distance between your stove and the chimney.

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Step 2

Make any cuts necessary to the stove pipe lengths before you pop them together. Tin snips are fine for this task.

Step 3

Assemble the necessary lengths of stove pipe to connect your stove to the chimney.

Step 4

Insert the tongue into the groove and press together until you hear a snap. Stove pipe is self-locking on the long sides and crimped on one end.

Step 5

Use three self-tapping pipe screws per joint. Space them at even intervals connecting the pipes securely together. Power screwdrivers are helpful with this action.

Step 6

Place the pipe into the stove with the crimped end toward the stove. This prevents creosote leaks.


Faulty stove pipe installation can lead to a fire.

Keep all stove pipe 18 inches from combustibles. Double-wall stainless steel pipe can go down to 6 inches from a combustible surface.

New stove pipes may smoke a bit as the paint from the factory cures.

Be careful when cutting metal with tin snips, as a small flex of the metal will cut flesh.


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