How to Install a Proper Screen Door Closer

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Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure

  • Pencil

  • Variable-speed drill

  • Drill bits

  • Phillips-head screwdriver

Image Credit: Hemera Technologies/ Images

You'll find two basic types of closers on a screen door--a tension spring or a pneumatic closer. A proper screen door closer is really based on preference, and what you want the closer to accomplish. The traditional tension spring pulls the door back, but does not stop the door from slamming when it closes. A pneumatic closer draws a door back in at a set speed you adjust to keep the door from slamming shut, and is easily installed with a few simple tools.


Step 1

Place the jamb bracket on the hinge side of the door jamb so that it is at least 2 1/8 inches down from the top door jamb, and set back 1/4 inch. Use the tape measure to find and mark this position.

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Step 2

Hold the jamb bracket aligned with the pencil marks, and mark the screw hole locations with a pencil.

Step 3

Drill starter holes for the screws, using the variable-speed drill and a drill bit smaller than the screws for the jamb bracket. Secure the jamb bracket in place with the provided screws.

Step 4

Pull the long end of the closer out 1/4 inch, and lock it in place with the metal stop. Insert the end of the closer into the jamb bracket; align the bracket holes with the hole in the extension bar, and insert the short closer pin through the bracket and the closer.


Step 5

Align the closer with the screen door so that the end is touching the door. Hold the door bracket up to the end of the closer, and make a pencil mark where it is to be located. Measure from the screen up onto the frame 5/8 inch in the same location as the end of the closer. Hold the bracket to the door frame and mark the mounting screw location on the door.


Step 6

Drill pilot holes for the screws, and mount the frame bracket. Place the end of the closer into the mounting bracket and insert the long pin through the bracket and the closer.

Step 7

Release the stop and allow the screen door to close. Adjust the closing speed by turning the adjuster screw with a Phillips-head screwdriver. The adjuster screw is on the end of the closer.


Simple spring closers and spring-loaded hinges for screen doors are still available. These two types of closers are the most basic and traditional types of screen door closer.

Pneumatic door closers can be placed at the top, middle, or bottom of a screen door. It is best to always place the closer at the top of the door where it is less likely to get damaged.


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