How to Paint Walls With Epoxy Paint

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Things You'll Need

  • Pressure washer

  • Mop

  • Bucket

  • Acrylic latex primer

  • 5-gallon bucket

  • Nap roller cover

  • Roller frame

  • Roller extension pole

  • 2-part epoxy paint

  • Wooden stir stick

  • 3000 roller cover

Never attempt to paint concrete flooring with epoxy in the same manner as you would a concrete wall.

Epoxy paint is a two-part coating consisting of a catalyst and a resin. The two components combine to form a durable coating capable of standing up to a large amount of duress. If you paint walls with an epoxy coating, employ a specific preparation strategy based on the type of wall you are working on. Once you have prepared the surface, the application process is relatively uncomplicated.


Step 1

Wash the brick or concrete wall, using a pressure washer. Use a mop and bucket if you are working indoors. Allow the walls to dry.

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Step 2

Apply a coat of acrylic latex primer, using a roller stocked with a nap cover and affixed to a rolling pole. Allow the primer to dry for two full hours.

Step 3

Wash all painting tools with water.

Step 4

Mix the epoxy resin with the catalyst in a 5-gallon bucket, Stir the contents for five minutes, using a wooden stir stick.

Step 5

Apply a coat of the epoxy paint, using a roller stocked with a 3000 cover and affixed to a rolling pole. Allow the epoxy to dry and cure for four full hours.


If you plan to paint a metal wall with epoxy paint, use a galvanized metal etching primer in place of an ordinary acrylic bonding primer.

To paint drywall with epoxy paint, you do not need to apply a primer first.


Horizontal concrete surfaces like those found in garages and basements require a muriatic acid wash to promote adhesion before epoxy paint will stick. Never attempt to paint concrete flooring with epoxy in the same manner as you would a wall.


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