How to Tell If a Tile Job Was Done Right

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Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver

  • Measuring tape

A good tile job has proper grout joint width.

When it comes to tile installation, there are many mistakes that can occur—some minor and others not so minor. Some of these mistakes just make for an ugly job, while others can affect how well the tile stays attached to the surface it's laid on. Noticing these mistakes can often be difficult for an untrained eye or without a few pointers on what to look for from a professional.


Step 1

Look for signs of bad surface preparation by looking for uneven or unstable tiles. Preparing the surface is a very important step when tiling any surface.

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Step 2

Inspect grout joints for excess grout, pinholes or unevenness. These problems are often caused by a rushed grout job.


Step 3

Check tiles for incorrect adhesive use or application by lightly tapping the tile with a finger knuckle or screwdriver handle. Listen to the tone of the knock compared with the surrounding tiles. A "hollow" sound is a sign of a poorly set tile.

Step 4

Look for bad cuts in tiles around objects, such as electrical outlets, doorjambs or other items within the tiled surface.


Step 5

Check for bad planning or tile layout. Use a measuring tape to check if tiles were centered when installed. A proper tile installation is centered in the room's wall or floor surface. This gives you equal tile cuts on both ends of the finished wall or floor's tile pattern.


Discover problems before the adhesive has completely dried if possible, ideally within six to 12 hours after application. The faster problems are found, the easier they are to fix.


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