The Simplest Instructions for Making Rag Rugs

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Things You'll Need

  • Fabric scraps

  • Scissors

  • Safety pin

  • Needle and thread

Rag rugs are made using strips of fabric or leftover rags. If you have a lot of old t-shirts, sheets, pillowcases or other fabrics lying around the house then you have all the material you need to make a rag rug. Follow the simplest instructions for making rag rugs; if you can braid hair and sew a stitch, you can make a rag rug in a customized size. Gather your fabric scraps and get working on your rag rugs today.


Step 1

Cut up all of your fabric into strips that are 1 1/2 inches wide. The length of the strips doesn't matter, as you will be able to adjust the size by adding strips later. Try to make them as long as you can, depending on the size of the fabric source you're using.


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Step 2

Take three fabric strips and knot them together at one end, leaving approximately 1 inch hanging out of the knot. Use a safety pin to attach these ends to a working surface, such as a tablecloth or a pillow.


Step 3

Braid the three strips together the same way you would braid hair. Alternate taking the left strip across the center strip followed by the right strip across the center strip. Stop when you have approximately 1 1/2 inches left.


Step 4

To add length to your braid, fold up the end of one strip and cut a slit along the fold in order to make a slit in the center of the strip near the edge. Do the same thing with a new strip; then pass the new strip through the slit in the old strip and take the other end of the new strip and pass it through its own slit. This will create a knot to attach one strip to the next. Repeat with the other two strips in the braid and then keep braiding.



Step 5

Stop braiding when your braid is as wide as you want the finished rug to be. Tie a knot in the top and bottom ends of the braids to hold them together. Make more braids until you run out of fabric strips; each one should be as long as the first braid you made.


Step 6

Lay out your braided fabric strips side by side with the ends meeting. Use a needle and thread to sew the seams between the braids to hold them together. Pass the needle back and forth in a zigzag direction from one braid to the next to attach them. Repeat this between each braid until the rug is a large braided rectangle. Turn the rug over so that the stitches are on the bottom when you are ready to display it.


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