How to Remove Hair Removal Wax From Wood

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Image Credit: Tetiana Aleksieieva/iStock/GettyImages

People love using hair removal wax because it pulls out hair by its roots, eliminating the need for shaving. The only downside is when the melted wax ends up where it is not supposed to be, like on floors, doors or other places. If you use hair removal wax and some has landed on a wooden surface, you will want to know how you can remove it as soon as possible.


Removing Wax From Hard Surfaces

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Hair removal wax is similar to other types of waxes, like those found in candles. If you have found a soft wax blob on a hard surface, like wood, experts recommend rubbing an ice cube on top to harden it. Then, you can use a dull-edged tool (like a credit card – don't use anything made from metal) and carefully scrape off the wax. Should this not prove successful, melt the wax with a hair dryer and absorb the mess with paper towels as it begins to soften.

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Image Credit: Alexey Krukovsky/iStock/GettyImages

If the hair removal wax landed on a wood floor, try using the hair dryer and paper towel method. You can also clean the area with warm water to remove any dirt and then pour some mineral spirits onto the wax stain. Scrub gently with a clean mop or cloth using firm pressure. If there is any residue left, you can scrub it away with a piece of fine steel wool and wipe it clean when finished.


There are other ways for removing wax from hard surfaces. Lay down a clean, old towel on top of the wax and put your iron on its lowest setting. Gently iron the towel where it sits on top of the wax. As you are working, the wax should start coming off onto the towel. Keep turning it to clean parts as the wax comes onto it.


How to Remove Wax From Skin

Of course, depilatory wax can also get onto your skin. You can try using a hot water compress for this; let it rest on the wax for a minute and it should come off. This can also be done with warmed olive oil or mineral oil but let those sit for two minutes before wiping off.


Other ways to get hair removal wax off skin include rubbing alcohol (remember to moisturize the area afterward), petroleum jelly or ice. Apply these with a washcloth since cotton fibers can get caught in the wax. If whatever you use does not work the first time, try it again holding the cloth to the wax for a bit longer.


Tips for Using Hair Removal Wax

Image Credit: Alexey Krukovsky/iStock/GettyImages

Home waxing kits come with sticks or strips for applying the wax. You should try to exfoliate the area a day in advance. Wash and dry the area first and sprinkle on a bit of baby powder to absorb any excess oil. You can also take ibuprofen because pulling out hair by its roots can be painful.


In the work area, lay down old newspapers or towels on the floor and surfaces. Heat the wax to the right temperature, which is usually 109 to 154 degrees Fahrenheit. You do not have to put a large amount of wax onto the stick or spatula; smaller amounts are less likely to drip off. If using either a stick or spatula, scrape it off following each application.


When you are finished, allow the leftover wax to cool. As long as the wax is clean, you can save it to use again. Once it is completely cooled, keep it stored in a dry place. You can toss out the sticks and spatulas, as they are disposable. Most waxing kits come with a supply of these, or you can order more online.

