How to Remove Warning Stickers

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Things You'll Need

  • Blow dryer

  • Rubbing alcohol

  • Cotton balls

  • Plastic putty knife

  • Vegetable oil, mineral oil or baby oil

  • Commercial sticker remover

  • Soft rags

  • Soap and water

Blow dryers often have warning stickers attached to the cord.

Warning stickers come on a variety of items, from automobiles to appliances. The removal of the sticker often leaves behind a sticky residue. There are several methods for removing sticker residue. The key is to begin with the gentlest method before moving on to harsher means of sticker removal.


Blow Dryer Method

Step 1

Set the blow dryer to a warm setting to remove a sticker from glass, plastic or metal.

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Step 2

Gently heat the sticker, using a plastic putty knife to carefully remove it from the surface.

Step 3

Clean remaining residue using the method of choice.


Step 1

Remove the sticker using a plastic putty knife.


Step 2

Coat the sticker residue with vegetable, mineral or baby oil. Allow it to sit for five to 10 minutes.

Step 3

Scrape the sticker residue off the surface of the wood, plastic or glass using the plastic putty knife.


Step 4

Wash the oil off of the surface using soap and water.

Rubbing Alcohol

Step 1

Remove the sticker from glass, ceramic or tile using a plastic putty knife.


Step 2

Soak a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol.

Step 3

Apply the cotton ball to the sticky remnants of the sticker. Allow it to soak for five minutes.

Step 4

Rub with a soft cloth.


Step 5

Wash off any remaining rubbing alcohol or residue with soap and water.

Commercial Sticker Remover

Step 1

Soak a cotton ball with a commercial sticker remover, such as Goo Gone.


Step 2

Apply to the sticker. Allow to soak for five to 10 minutes.

Step 3

Scrape the sticker from the surface with a plastic putty knife.

Step 4

Clean off any residue with soap and water.


Always clean the surface with soap and water after sticker removal. Many home-based sticker removal treatments leave a film on the surface. Test sticker removal products on inconspicuous areas first, especially on fabrics and wood.


Carefully consider the intended purpose of the warning sticker before removing it.

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