How to Care for Quadruple Silver Plate

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Things You'll Need

  • Non-citrus-scented dish soap

  • Non-abrasive sponge

  • 2 cotton dishtowels

  • Silver cloth

  • Silver polish

Proper care will keep quadruple silver plate shining.

The process of silver plating is done by electroplating a thin layer of silver over a stronger and usually less expensive base metal. Quadruple silver plate contains 8 troy ounces of silver, compared to standard silver plate, which contains just 2 troy ounces. With its silver finish, improved durability and pricing that was more affordable than pure silver pieces, quadruple silver plate soared in popularity during the late 19th century, according to Abe Silverman of Abe Silverman's Antique Silver Shop. Many of these same high-quality quadruple silver plate items are still in circulation today. With a little effort, you can enjoy your quadruple silver plate pieces for many years.


Step 1

Rinse quadruple silver plate in warm water immediately after use to remove the acids from foods such as eggs, mayonnaise, salt, mustard, lemon juice and other fruits that can cause discoloration or tarnish.

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Step 2

Hand-wash quadruple silver plate in warm, soapy water rather than putting it in the dishwasher. Scrub stubborn food particles from the quadruple silver plating using a non-abrasive sponge.

Step 3

Dry quadruple silver plate immediately using a soft, 100-percent-cotton dishtowel. Avoid allowing quadruple silver plate items to drip dry in a dish rack, as this can cause unsightly water spots to form on the surface.

Step 4

Wrap quadruple silver plate in tarnish-resistant silver cloth and store in a cool, dry cabinet when not in use.


Step 5

Polish quadruple silver plate periodically using a commercial silver polishing product such as Wright's or Weiman silver cream. Apply the silver polish to your quadruple silver plate using a soft, 100-percent-cotton dishtowel or a jersey knit rag. Use the silver polishing product according to package instructions for best results.


Consult a professional silversmith to repair or re-plate quadruple silver plate items.


Avoid soaking quadruple silver plate in water, as prolonged immersion can damage the finish of the silver plating.

Do not use citrus-scented dish soap when washing quadruple silver plate, because the citric acid may damage the silver plating.


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