How to Clean Carpet With Spic and Span

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You can remove stains on carpets with Spin and Span.

Though you shouldn't use Spic and Span to clean your entire carpet, it can be useful to help remove small stains or blotches. Spic and Span is an ammonia-free cleaner that is certified as safe for your children and pets. When you have a spot on your carpet that looks unseemly and hasn't come out with traditional floor-cleaning methods, try using Spic and Span to see if you can recapture that new-carpet look in no time.


Step 1

Vacuum the carpet to remove any dirt or dust. You want the carpet to be completely clear of any hard particles before you apply Spic and Span.

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Step 2

Drip Spic and Span onto a sponge until it's barely damp--two capfuls should be enough. Ball the sponge in your palm to distribute the cleaner into the sponge.

Step 3

Rub the sponge into the carpet firmly, but not as hard as you can. You want to coax the stain away, not pound it into submission.

Step 4

Check to see if the stain has been removed.

Step 5

Continue rubbing the area with the Spic and Span sponge until the stain is gone. If the sponge begins to dry out, add another capful of the liquid. Do not pour the liquid directly onto the carpet.


Always test a small patch of carpet with the cleaner before using it to clean.

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