How to Make a Triple Star Out of Rubber Bands

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Learn how to form a rubber band into three stars.

The elasticity of a rubber band allows it to be a functional tool for holding items together. Rubber bands can also be quite useful in craft making. Some people like to stretch rubber bands into various shapes. One such shape is a rubber band star. And while many people have attempted one star and two stars successfully, attempting a full trifecta is a little harder. With a little dexterity and a little patience you will be able to pull it off with a little practice.


Step 1

Place your right hand index finger and thumb through the rubber band. Allow the rubber band to rest on the top of your thumb and index finger so that it is in a loose oval shape.

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Step 2

Stretch the bottom of the oval using the index finger of your left hand. Stretch that bottom over the top piece of the rubber band which is resting between your thumb and index finger. Simultaneously pull down the piece that was resting between your thumb and index finger and loop it around your right hand pinky. The rubber band will now be in a triangle shape with a loop around your thumb, index finger and pinky of your right hand.

Step 3

Pull the top piece of the triangle with the index finger of your left hand. Move it under the right side if the triangle and through the left side of the triangle. Stretch your left index finger diagonally down toward the right so that the elastic is stretched fairly tightly. Insert the middle finger of your left hand into the bottom left loop in the elastic. Twist your middle finger through the center loop of the bottom and pull to the left. You now have your first star. (In this position the thumb, index finger and pinky of your right hand will be holding the top three points of the star, while the index and middle finger from your left hand will be holding down the bottom two points of the star.)


Step 4

Release your left hand so that there is simply a triangle shape on your right hand with loops around your thumb, index finger and pinky.

Step 5

Pull and twist the left side of the triangle using the index and middle finger of your left hand. Stretch the rubber band down to the right diagonally and place the index finger of your left hand through the gap between your thumb and pinky on your right hand. Also stretch the middle finger down to the left diagonally and place it through the gap between your index and pinky on your right hand. Using your thumb on your left hand, twist the small center triangle which exists between your index and middle fingers of your left hand over itself. Release your thumb and pull down with your left hand. You will now see two stars--one smaller one inside a larger one.


Step 6

Place the loops which are around the middle and index fingers of your left hand on the pinky and thumb of your right hand respectively.

Step 7

Insert the index and middle fingers of your left hand through the center hole between your thumb and pinky on your right hand. Pull the rubber band down with your left hand and twist. Place the middle finger of your left hand through the hole to the bottom left. Repeat this movement by placing the index finger of your left hand through the hole on your bottom right. Stretch the bottom center hole down with the thumb on your left hand and manipulate it over itself. Release the thumb and then pull down with the index and middle fingers on your left hand. You will have three stars: a small one in the lower center, a slightly bigger one to the upper right and the third will be the star shape encompassing the whole thing.

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