How to Make a Fake Beard From Fur

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Things You'll Need

  • Fake fur

  • Marker

  • Scissors

  • Cording

  • Hot glue

  • Comb

Costume with beard made of fake fur.

Fake beards are popular additions to costumes. These beards can range from paper to fur, and most are fastened with simple ties so they are comfortable for a child or adult. Fake fur is available at the craft and fabric store, ranging from very short and curly to fairly long. Select the type of fur that fits best with your costume and buy more than you think you'll need so you can cut back to the proper size, as fur is hard to cut. The extra pieces can be used for other projects, like fake mustaches or eyebrows.


Step 1

Place the fake fur, fur side down on your work table. Draw a line along the top edge in the shape and size of the jaw of the person who will wear the beard. This will be smaller for a child and larger for an adult. Draw the sides of the beard larger than you need, since when fur is cut at the store the actual fur length may be cut. This will allow you to make your final cuts along the fabric underneath the hair so that the hair will look more realistic.

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Step 2

Draw three 1-inch cut lines that are 1 1/2-inches apart, starting at the center of the chin line. Draw the desired shape and length of the beard.

Step 3

Spread the fur with your fingers and cut the shape out so that the length of the fur strands are not cut. Cut just the underlying fabric and preserve the hair. Cut out your shape and the cut lines.


Step 4

Cut cording to 36 inches long. Center the cord over the chin so that each end is the same length. Apply hot glue along the chin tabs formed by the 1-inch cuts. Press the cord into the glue at the end of the 1-inch cuts. Fold the tabs to the inside and press until they adhere firmly.

Step 5

Turn the beard over. Knot the ends of the cords to prevent unraveling. Shorten them if they are too long. Use a comb to straighten out the beard hairs and achieve the look you want.


Save fake fur pieces for mustaches and eyebrows. Use silk thread or transparent nylon, similar to fishing line, to hold a fake mustache in place. Make a small hole in each end and knot the silk or transparent nylon through each hole and tie the cords around the back of the head. This will make the cord nearly invisible when you wear it. Glue eyebrows to glasses for an easy and fun look.


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