How to Donate Window Blinds

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Donate your used window blinds to charity.

If you are remodeling your home or office, you may have window blinds you no longer need or want to keep. Instead of putting the window blinds out with the weekly trash, donate the window blinds to a charitable organization. When you donate your window blinds, you can claim the donation on your taxes, which lowers your tax liability. Certain organizations only accept new windows blinds, but others accept used window blinds.


Step 1

Put the blinds in a box, if they are not already. Habitat for Humanity stores only accept new window blinds in a box. However, you can donate used window blinds to other organizations, such as Goodwill.

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Step 2

Use the Habitat for Humanity or Goodwill website (see Resources) to find a location near you, if this is where you want to donate the blinds. If you want to look for other charitable organizations, you can use the Charity Vault website (see Resources).


Step 3

Take your window blinds to the donation center or drop-off location for the charitable organization that you have selected. When you make the donation, ask for a donation receipt, which you need to claim the donation on your taxes.

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