How to Prime a Gas Powered Water Pump

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Gas-powered water pumps are ideal for emergency, remote or temporary pumping jobs where the pump needs to be durable and portable. Priming is needed when a pump loses water pressure or its pressure tank is empty. Priming a portable, nonsubmerged pump is the first and most important step in pump operation. It ensures the pump impellers, often made of plastic, have water during startup to avoid overheating, while aiding in inlet-hose water drawing.


Step 1

Attach a garden hose to the prime inlet on the pump apparatus.

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Step 2

Turn on the water fully and allow the water to fill the pump and the inflow line. Refer to the pump's pressure valve to see when the pump is fully primed. A full prime will be different for each pump, but will be reached when the pump pressure gauge reaches its operating zone as indicated on the valve face or in the pump's manual.


Step 3

Place the inlet hose into the body of water from which you want to pump water.

Step 4

Place the outlet hose in a location away from the inlet hose location. Ideally, the outlet hose should be at a lower elevation, or in an area that drains away from your inlet water body.


Step 5

Start the pump, with the priming hose still operating at 100 percent. As the pump starts, it will draw on the water in the system, from the inlet hose and the priming hose simultaneously. As the pump pressure stabilizes and the inlet hose is drawing in at full capacity, turn the priming hose off.

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