Homemade Bug Spray to Use On Plants

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Image Credit: Kateryna Artsybasheva/iStock/GettyImages

We all know how frustrating it can be to find that our beloved plants are being invaded (and eaten) by bugs. Well, fellow green thumbs, have no fear: an easy-to-make, chemical-free solution is here. All you need are two ingredients and a spray bottle, and you're on your way to safely protecting your plants from pesky insects. This homemade bug spray was created to use specifically on herbs, shrubs, and other greenery.


Image Credit: Jessica Kielman

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Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle

  • 1 ½

    cups distilled white vinegar

  • 15 drops of peppermint essential oil

Image Credit: Jessica Kielman

1. Measure the vinegar

Add 1 ½ cups of distilled white vinegar to a spray bottle.

Video of the Day

Image Credit: Jessica Kielman

2. Add the essential oil

Add 15 drops of peppermint essential oils to the spray bottle.


Image Credit: Jessica Kielman

3. Shake the ingredients together

Replace the lid on bottle and shake well before each use.


To use for maximum protection, spray plants liberally. It may need to be reapplied after rain.

Image Credit: Jessica Kielman
