How to Backwash a Doughboy Pool Filter

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The Doughboy pool filter keeps the water clean and free of dirt particles. There are two Doughboy filters for keeping pools clean. The diatomaceous earth (D.E.) filter and the sand filter. Each filter works the same to remove fine dirt particles from the water, but how you backwash the filters and finish the process is slightly different. Doughboy pool pumps should be backwashed when the pounds-per-square-inch (PSI) is five to seven PSI above the clean reading, which is the reading on the gauge when you first start up the pool pump for the first time.


Sand Filter

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Step 1

Turn off the pool pump. Roll out the backwash hose connected to the bottom of the pump.

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Step 2

Press down lightly on the multiport valve handle and turn to "Backwash." The handle will drop into place when you push down lightly on it.


Step 3

Turn on the pump and let the water run for one to two minutes or until the water runs clear in the sight glass on the left side of the multiport handle. Turn off the pool pump.

Step 4

Move the valve handle to "Filter to Waste." Turn on the sand filter pump and run for 10 seconds. Turn off the pump.


Step 5

Return the multiport valve handle to "Filter" and turn on the pump. The pump is done being backwashed and is now in filtering mode and will turn on when scheduled.

D.E. Filter

Step 1

Turn the pump off. Remove the drain cap and O-ring located on the right side of the pump on the just below the multiport valve handle. Roll out the backwash hose on the bottom of the pump.


Step 2

Lift up on the multiport valve handle and turn to "Backwash." Push down lightly to lock into place. Turn on the pump and run for two to three minutes or until the water runs clear in the sight glass located on the left side of the valve handle assembly.

Step 3

Turn off the D.E. pool pump. Move the handle to "Filter to Waste" and turn on the pump. Run the pump for 20 seconds and turn off. Turn the handle to "Backwash" and run the pump for another two to three minutes.


Step 4

Turn off the pump and move the handle to "Filter to Waste." Remove the cover from the skimmer. Move the D.E. powder near the pump. You will need to add 2-1/2 pounds of powder. Turn on the pump. Pour in the D.E. powder into the skimmer. Turn the pump off after 30 seconds.

Step 5

Replace the O-ring and drain cap. Turn the multiport valve handle to "Filter." Turn on the pump. The pump is now in filtering mode and will turn on when scheduled.

