How to Make a Cookie-Cutter Air Freshener

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Things You'll Need

  • Fragrance oil

  • Metal measuring spoons

  • Liquid candle dye

  • Zipper-closure plastic bags

  • Aroma beads

  • Oven

  • Metal cookie cutters

  • Non-stick cookie sheet

  • Nail

  • Ribbon

Make cookie-cutter air fresheners for an unique way to scent your home.

Air fresheners mask and eliminate odors, help set a mood or work to relax in aromatherapy. Store-bought air fresheners have been setting on display for a undetermined amount of time losing their fragrance. They also often have inflated prices. Making your own air fresheners allows to you enjoy quality fragrances in your home, office or car without spending a lot. Making cookie-cutter air fresheners is a fun craft for even children and make wonderful gifts or craft bazaar sellers.


Preparing the Beads

Step 1

Place 1 tablespoon fragrance oil and one to four drops candle dye into a plastic bag. Zip the bag closed and shake it to mix the liquids together.

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Step 2

Open the bag and add 4 tablespoons of aroma beads. Close the bag and shake it up.

Step 3

Let the aroma beads set until they have absorbed all the liquid. Absorption takes one to five days.

Creating the Air Fresheners

Step 1

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.


Step 2

Arrange the metal cookie cutters on the cookie sheet with space between them.

Step 3

Spoon the aroma beads into the cookie cutters until there is a 1/4-inch thick layer.

Step 4

Place in oven for five to ten minutes. Keep watch until the beads are melted together with a bumpy appearance.


Step 5

Remove from the oven and let cool before removing the cookie-cutters.

Step 6

Peel the air fresheners from the cookie sheet and lay flat.

Step 7

Push a nail through the top making a hole and pull a ribbon through it. Knot and trim the ribbon for a hanger.


Use your leftover beads in a jar as an air freshener.


Under very warm conditions, such as in a closed car or direct sunlight, these may melt or become soft.

Always wash hands after coming in direct contact with fragrance oils as they may irritate your skin.

Don't leave leftover beads in the plastic bags as some oils, especially cinnamon and vanilla, break down plastic.


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