How to Install a Damper in a Stovepipe

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Things You'll Need

  • Black marker

  • 5/16-inch drill

  • Drill motor

  • Damper assembly

  • Hammer

Dampers retain heat inside the area.

Dampers retain combustible heat inside the stove. The damper can be placed in multiple positions within the stovepipe to obstruct the exhaust gases. The interference with the exhaust gases slows the movement up the chimney and keeps heat longer in the heating area. The metal stovepipe damper comes in a three-piece construction. The metal damper fits onto a long metal rod with a control handle. A tension spring holds the damper in place on the metal control handle when installed inside the stovepipe.


Step 1

Remove the first section of metal stovepipe that is attached directly to the stove. Make sure the fire is out and the stovepipe is cold to the touch when removing or servicing the woodstove.

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Step 2

Mark the middle of the section of stovepipe with the black marker. Typically a section of stovepipe is 2 feet in length. Place a single mark directly in the center at 1 foot. Attempt to make the mark 90 degrees from the stovepipe joint.

Step 3

Install a 5/16-inch drill into a drill motor. Drill a hole at the black mark made in Step 2.

Step 4

Remove the metal damper from the metal control rod by pushing inward on the round damper, toward the handle, and twisting the control rod. Keep the retention spring in place.


Step 5

Fit the control rod's pointed end into the stovepipe through the drilled hole. Keep the rod as horizontally level as possible. Hit the end of the control rod handle lightly with a hammer to mark the opposite side of the stovepipe.

Step 6

Use the outward indentation made by the control rod point as the reference for drilling out the second hole. Make the hole with the drill bit.


Step 7

Insert the control rod back into the stovepipe while holding the damper inside. Fit the rod through the openings in the damper. Push the rod through the pipe and the damper mounting holes until it protrudes from the opposite side on the stovepipe. Twist the metal rod in the round damper until it seats firmly in place. Turn the damper a few times with the handle to ensure a good fit.


Step 8

Install the stovepipe back onto the woodstove as per the manufacturer's instructions. Orientate the damper in the horizontal position, never vertically.


Always keep the damper in the full open position when lighting a fire. Close the damper down only after the fire has come to full heat.

Not all woodstoves can use a damper in the exhaust stovepipe. Check the manufacturer's instructions for specific regulations regarding the installation of a damper.


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