How to Make a Life-Size Skeleton

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Things You'll Need

  • 9 clear plastic milk jugs

  • String

  • Scissors

  • Craft knife

  • Glue

  • Hole punch

  • Paint

  • Paintbrushes

Make a life-size skeleton out of milk jugs to display in a home or classroom. This craft lets you make a skeleton the size of a person and is a creative way to help children learn about the skeletal system. Additionally, reusing milk jugs for the skeleton helps you find creative ways to teach children about recycling. The skeleton can also be a way to engage and entertain children during Halloween when you put decorations out around the home.


Step 1

Wash all the milk jugs and allow them to dry before using them for this craft. This prevents the residue of old milk from staying on the jugs and making them smell.

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Step 2

Examine the milk jugs and look for one that has two round circles on adjacent sides. Turn the jug upside down with the circles facing you. The circles can represent the eyes of the skeleton.

Step 3

Cut out a mouth directly under the eyes. The mouth can be friendly or scary, depending on what you chose to create. Cut two small holes above the eyes so you can attach a string to hang up the skeleton when you are done.

Step 4

Cut a long vertical slit down the opposite side of the handle on a jug that is sitting upright. Cut out sections of the jug on either side of the slit to create ribs.


Step 5

Apply glue to the edges of the jug tops. Hold the head upside down on top of the chest and allow the glue to dry. The drying process should take five to 10 minutes.

Step 6

Cut two jug handles off the jugs to form shoulders and attach the shoulders to the top of the chest with glue. Give the shoulders five to 10 minutes to dry.


Step 7

Cut a jug in half to create some hips. Remove the top part of the jug and create a smiley shape on the sides of the jug to help shape the hip bones. Punch two holes through opposite sides of the the jug bottom with a hole punch.

Step 8

Cut out two spouts from the top of two milk jugs. Place glue at the top of each spout and attach the spouts together by pressing down on the glue. This will form the waist of the skeleton. Glue the waist to the chest section and the hip section and give the glue five to 10 minutes to dry.


Step 9

Create the arms for the skeleton by cutting out four long bones from the long side of the plastic milk jug. The arms should look like bones. Punch a hole through each side of the bones and then run a string through two bones for each arm. Attach one arm to each shoulder of the skeleton.

Step 10

Create the legs for the skeleton by cutting out four long bones from the long side of the plastic milk jug. The legs should look like bones. Punch a hole through each side of the bones and then run a string through two bones for each leg. Attach one leg to each hip of the skeleton by pushing the string through the hole you created on the hip and tying a knot.


Step 11

Trace your hands and feet on the side of the milk jug and then cut the hands and feet out. Use a hole punch to punch holes into the hands and the feet. Attach the hands and the feet to the arms and legs with string.

Step 12

Cut a 12-inch length of string. Push the string through the two holes you placed at the top of the skeleton's head and tie a knot. Use the string on the top of the skeleton to hang up your life-size milk jug skeleton.


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