How to Cut a Vinyl Soffit

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Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure

  • Pencil

  • Fine-tooth saw blade

  • Circular saw

Installing vinyl siding and soffit yourself is one way to transform the look of your home while saving money. The soffit is the flat portion between the outside wall of your home and the roof edge. Soffit panels will fit in between two separate channels like a puzzle piece. When measuring for soffit panels, allow for expansion and contraction because of temperatures. The best way to cut vinyl soffit is to use a reversed fine-tooth saw blade, like a plywood cutting blade, in a circular saw. When installing the blade in reverse, you'll get a clean and accurate cut.


Step 1

Measure from the wall to the fascia board with a tape measure. The fascia board is the outside portion of the roof edge where the gutter installs normally. Subtract 1/2 inch from this measurement to allow for contraction and expansion of the soffit panel.

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Step 2

Transfer the measurement to the soffit panel and mark your cut line with a pencil.


Step 3

Place a fine-toothed circular saw blade into your circular saw in the reverse position. The blade teeth will be pointing toward the handle end of the saw rather than the front.

Step 4

Cut the soffit panel at your measurement mark with the circular saw. Allow the saw and saw blade to cut the soffit without much pressure from you. Simply guide the saw and allow it to work. Forcing the saw will result in an irregular cut and rough edges.


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